Sunday, July 15, 2012

happy blessed sunday

hei walaweh hahahahaha im not going to church today malas mao bangun pagi pagi bah hohohoho keja umah gik belom dipolah apa la aku tok hahahaha whatever ajak ajak lah keja aku tok sekda keja gik bahhhhh boring lalu lalu jak.mao jalan bah anih T.T hmmmm itu jak yang boleh dipost buhhbyeee

Monday, December 19, 2011


Hey guys,i'm back ;) saya mao bilang 123 bhahahahah.ok ok saya mao beritahu tentang family saya yang tersayang.saya ada empat adik-beradik dan saya yang terkerdil sekali hahahahah xD papa saya bernama Paul Anthony kemudian isterinya bernama Christina Larek thats mean she's my beloved mama ;} about my siblings,the eldest one is my sister Suziana Paul and his husband Nelson and they got a daughter name Samantha Avrillinia :] the second one is my brother Randy Paul and third is Cinderella Paul the youngest is Adrina Paul its me ;} ok ok saya mao beritahu yahh kalau mereka gadoh or what i'm just in a silent mode bhahahahah itu sebab saya yang terkerdil tiada hak untuk bersuara :D buttttttt  kalau part part beli barang,saya ada hak ok hahahahah if they can,they will buy it for me.ho ho ho i love them so much.beruntung sangat saya lahir kat dunia niiiiiii ;) okkkkkkkkkkk thats all saya teda gamba family lagipun malas upload hahahahah buhh-byeee ;}

Friday, December 9, 2011


hey I miss this blog.i just wanna say imma BELIEBERS now LOL.all i do in this holiday is sleep,watching movies,eat,hangout and and anddddddd partying by myself in the bathroom,actually a month ago i dont like Justin Bieber but nowwww suddenly I back to be his biggggesttttttttttttttt fans ;] I am so bored with that MUKA BUKU so im start with the twitter now.on 29 november I've got a bad news from my parents that my lil cuzzy was died.but its ok because God love her today i hoin my sister to her office near the boulevard.its not so bored because i can online.butttttttttt i feel soooooo sleepy right now.i miss my babes,my crazeyhhhh friends ever.i cant for christmasssssss its gonna be aweeeeeeeeeesome right bhahahahahah thats all buhhhbyee dude  

there she is my little angel.REST IN PEACE pretty gorgeous lil will always in my pray i miss you i love you you always in heart <3

Monday, October 10, 2011

random topic ;)

hey long i didnt renew you.hahah.i miss you.i need you now you know???you know what??i think i've got nothing nothing nothing and nothing o.O.oh yah,last month,i got fight with one of my friend.i didnt ever talk about her but.....she think i was talk about her wtf --' its just a status on facebook bahh.and i dont want to fight with people.but,what can i do..i just care about my own life.they are toooooooo BUSYBODY.i know who i not so pretty,beautiful,i didnt have a nice those who hate me,,im not hating on other people.thank you to hate me but i never ever to mind your bussiness.bloggggg,you know what??i really want to be like mizz nina if i've got a chance to be singer cause she can sing with western singer ;) ok then buhhbyee

                                                    LOTS OF LOVE:ADRINA PEARL

Friday, September 9, 2011

its been so long

holla.lama sudaa tia update ou.rindu sama sa punya elmo's blog nih.hahah.tia banyak crita sa nih.tia tau mao post apa.hahaha.esokk mao ngabang rumah shasha&pigi.shasha open house berhh.dapat makan makan.jalan jalan ngan philo&emily ;) great.huhu.thats all.nothing to say.

                                                LOTS OF LOVE : ADRINA PEARL

Sunday, August 21, 2011


The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting.
waiting for you is one of the hardest thing i have to do but I'll wait forever just to be with you for a minute!
I'm just gonna sit here and wait for you even if i have to wait forever
Don't you have anything better to do than be in my mind all day and night?!
My heart is waiting for your love
My hand is waiting for your touch
My lips just wanna be kissed by you
I want you to realize that I will be the one waiting while no one else will. I've waited so long already, 
what makes you think I'd give up now?
I don't care if it's not going anywhere.. I really like wasting my time on you.
Good things come to those people who hate waiting, but wait anyways. 
Sounds exactly like me!
We don't always get what we want, nor do we always want what we get. But we do get what we need. Because of this, I'll keep waiting, because I need you.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

the girl-heart

They say a real man wears pink. I say a real man treats a girl right, with respect & love.
Every guy thinks catching the girl he loves is an amazing accomplishment. 
But actually, catching the girl is the easy part. 
KEEPING her is the REAL accomplishment.
When a girl builds walls around her.Is not because she avoid a man.
she does it to find someone who will be man enough to breaks those walls!!
just 2 be with her!
When she tells u she hates u: she means she <3's u, 
When she tells u ur a jerk: she means she <3s u, 
when she tells u she <3s u: u better believe she does! <3
A woman can be with any man in the world she wants to be with..
yet she choose you. Dont take her for granted!!
Every girl wants a guy that will call you in  the morning saying I miss you 
even though she saw you last night. Hug you everyday. Text you constantly.& <3 u!
Doesn't matter what you look like, make her laugh and treat her right and she's yours for life!
There are 3 guys in a girls life 1 the one she loves 2 the one she hates 3 the one she'll never forget and in the end its always the same guy

Friday, August 19, 2011

the girl still waiting

since 2008 until now that girl never stop loving that guys.she never give up even that boy never fell in love with her.she still wait for it.she didnt care what people say bout day,that boy ask her number and she give it.butttt....nothing was happen.that boy never text her.and now,the boy hate her but she still love that boy.silly girl --'.that boy still in her heart till now :)).girl's heart never change

                                                           LOTS OF LOVE : ADRINA PEARL

Saturday, August 13, 2011

tentang aku

hell-o bloggie.
pa kabar kau haa ?

hari ni aku nak citer pasal diriku .ehem ehem ulang lagi 
*tentang aku* ngegeh lalewww --'
aku mulakan dulu tentang aku ni.

aku lahir pada 24 JULY 1995.aku lahir di hospital umum miri.
nama sebenar aku ADRINA PAUL.aku suka ngan nama aku tu.lantak arr
kalau orang tak suka.jealous kherr haa??boo-yahh :p

attitude aku ;))

- aku adalah aku.aisehmenkk.hahahah.aku suka kalau orang ramai ramai kawan ngan aku.
sebab aku rasa macam takda orang beci kat aku ni.kihkihkih.
- aku nih jenis yang suka merajok.hohoho.nak pujok aku,mesti bagi chocolate.aiseh.takda
la.main2 jerr arr.pandai la kalau nak pujok*kalau sudi nak pujok
- aku seorang yang simple.i mean simple dalam fashion.itulah diri aku sebenarnya.aku suka
jalan jalan kalau ada duit.hahahah
- aku juga suka ketawa.well,kalau tak nak cepat tua.senyum2 la selalu okayyy.mark my word.

yang aku tak suka/benci

- aku tak suka orang yang suka mintak puji,gedik,eksen.iskk.tak suka arr.boleh2 kalau nak
macam tu.tapi,jangan la melebih lebih sampai nak benci aku yang tak penah
nak kacau hidup engkau.cis
- aku geli ngan lipas,cicak atau serangga.eeee.geli sesangat.terutama kalau ada lebah masok
dalam kelas,rasa macam nak lari jerr dari dalam kelas.haahah.
- aku tak suka kalau orang tetiba ignore aku time aku syuk syuk nak bercerita ngan dierr --'.
- kalau aku bad mood,aku tak nak orang kacau aku.kalau taknak aku benci kat engkau so ,
better jangan kacau aku time tu okayyy ;)) mark my words*gedik laleww*

okayy,tu jerr aku nak post.kalau ada masa or kalau aku rajin,aku update
lagi okayy ;))

Thursday, August 4, 2011


hey blog,imissyou ;)
i want to story story you boud today
so,today nothing happen.
nothing at all(lazy song)
we just study,buat bodo.hahah
oh yah,me and my palui friend was played
permainan masa kecik kecik duluk.hahahah
mao jadi budak kecik lagikk.siukkk bah
jadi budak kecik kan kan kan ;))
sampai merah my hand kenak tumbok --'
kesian kan.
that all i think.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Family Day

hey blogger.,
yesterday my school got family day.
its fun.but,they just sell so many water.
so crowded when we want to buy some 'mee'.-.-
and,lastly,all the food finish.damn.
my coupon didnt finish yet.
then,buy some water and my coupon finish lastly.fuuh.
hungry u know.
then,we watch people karaoke,ratu kebaya and poco poco.
i've join 1 of the poco poco group.
its NOBODY LOVE US group.
we won it.yeahh!! :D
i've got some pict here.
i take it from ERA MER'C.hahah

Sunday, July 24, 2011

kem kepimpinan pengawas

hey blogger,sa mao ceritakan pasal
kem kepada dirimu.
so tired ho.
dah la sa mandik sekalik jak dalam
masa 3 hari tuh. -.-'
kami pegi bukit kasut.punya la curam+tinggi.
eeee.time turun amat la menyakitkan.
sampai bergegar kaki sa ou.
tido punggg tia cukup.
oh yah,kamiurg da main burung antuu.
jalan sambil mata ditutup pakai kain.
da gikk sa mao terjatoh.hhahah
kuak susah hoh.
kalau ada buat salah sikit.
we must pushup 5kalik
best ou.dapat belajar sesuatu.
last day.all group diminta untuk membuat persembahan.
my group is 2ND GENERETION.
kami buat koir dengan lagu GEMURUH.
my group dapat numb 3 untuk keseluruhan.
sa belaja untuk setiakawan,berkomunikasi,bekerjasama
dan banyak lagi yang sa lupak.hahah
itu saja la sa rasa


Saturday, July 16, 2011

about her,my friend

My friends are
and the BEST I've ever had! <3
 friends may be CRAZY but yet she are AMAZING! 
I don't really care what you think about her.
I want you to know she's my friends and DON'T mess with her!
i was thinking if we hadn't met that day, that time. 
that place we wouldn't BE the best of friends, 
I guess that's fate and i totally love her,she's my bestie for life
Whenever i am with her, she make me laugh, smile,scream,shout 
and let me share my sorrows with her. 
i am grateful to have her as my best friend.  <3
I love how my best friend and we are like twins, 
we do everything for each other and are always there for each other!  
Shes the best and I love her!!!
To my best friend. I love you :D  
I'll be there for you when ever you need me I promise.
 Even if I'm not there beside you. <3 
I'll always have you in my heart ;)


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

new student

oke blog,today my school got KK.
sa sakit hati hari nih sebab ituh
a fucking teming new student :p
oh yah,pagi tadik dia kenak panggil memeow.
sebab dia punya fuckin freakin hair -.-
memeow marah marah dia so,dia
cakap ituh memeow c**** ho.
kuang aja!
and blog,she smile at me and sa buat tia taok
halo,sorry la.i dunwan to smile at you
pa gikk tingok muka kau.iskk.
muka macam c***i.puikk.
my friend call her obor obor o.O
hahah.macam macam.
sa tia maok masok campor.
buhhbyee sajia la kata aher ku di blog inih.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

about tuuuuudayyy

awal pagi saya bangun.
rasa mahh-lass dah menyelubunginya.hahah.
mata still so sleepy.tido kejap saya
kat kerusi.then,baru la saya
g rah umah shasa.
then,go to school.sign at the paper.jaga kelas.
suddenly,philo panggil saya bawak g depan
untuk ambik hadiah.huh o.O
dengan kakiku yang sakit,terpaksa
jak jalan laju laju dibawak oleh philo.-.-
so,abis perhimpunan,ambik nasik lemak kat
bilit pbsm ;)
cikgu melvin masok kelas,nasib nota dah beres.
pj tadik just cakap cakap jakk.
rehat tadik,ronda ronda.
sambil ronda,da gikk shasa teringat pasal
3 orang biak laki kenak sengat lebah.
hahah.lucu bahh.:D
sampai sakit perut saya ketawak.hahahahahahha
balik tadik saya suoh shasa hantar.huhu
balik umah,mak suoh cepat cepat mandikk
cause mok g pasar untuk beli kain.
tapi aku melebih lebih.
bukan kain jak dibeli.benda lain pun mok dibeli.
ambik kesempatan dehh. ;)
inih malam tadikk,g MM gikk.
g makai makai.
beli present for emily keling.
then,tetiba mataku terlihat sesuatu.wuaaaa..
it's ELMO'S SHIRT like it.
terus mintak mak beli bahh
(dengan keadaan memaksa makku)
lastly,dapat juga.alhamdulillah.hahah
ngeso ae aku -.-.
k la,that all.
mahh-lass mok typing manyak manyak


Saturday, July 2, 2011

everyday is boring

hey,blogger.miss adrina?
yesterday this girl was sleep at philo's house.
because today they got to go to smk taman tunku
to join the 'larian 1malaysia'
she's not very well today.demam
and,last night.they was eat eat and eat.
but,they sleep early cause this girl not very well.
she wake up early today.but,semadi jakk.
when the 'larian' start,they was run around the taman
jelita.and,this girl feel like to faint.o.O
so tired -.-'.is it??
then,they wait until people back home.
they go to philo's house to take adrina's stuff.
then,they send adrina's home.
then,adrina arrive at home,terus makan.
then,she go to bath.30 min like!!
she got headache.but,she help her mom to make a cupcake.
then,11 o'clock like that,
she sleeping until 4.25 o.O wooo.
so,that all.puhhpyee


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

letih tired

hallu,lama sudaa tia update inih blog ho.
lindu sama dia.HAHAH.
sa tia manyak serita hari nih.tia tau mau shakap pa.
so,hari nih tired betol cause ada kk.
pbsm ada sukaneka tadikk.
tapi,sa tia ekot.hahahah.
so goooooodd.
i was sooooo boring today.
and in my mind was so blank right now.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

past is past

Past mistakes haunt me day after day, but I still wear my fake smile 
as I try to remain strong.  
Nobody sees the real me because I hide her.
Some people are far to obsessed with the past. The past is the past for a reason. 
Let it go!
never live in the past because the future has more to hold for you.
Everything happens for a reason and sometimes you will not find that reason.
But I don't blame my past for the way my present is now.
I just acknowledge the fact that my past made me who I am today.
and don't judge me by my past, i don't live there anymore
the only reason I have people in my past is because I didn't think 
they were worthy of coming into my future  :)
For God's sake. Let the past be the past and the future be the future! 
You can never move on in life if you're living in the past!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

pot pet pot pet

so,firstly.I want to say hi to my kaba????
at my school this morning got latihan pegi & balik sekolah.
i'm so tired cause berdiri lamak lamak jaga barisan -.-.
then,suddenly chin ask us to spotcek.and I was o.O huh???
whatever lah.check jak buley buat kan?
then,4 period didnt have p&p.woohoo!!but,so bored and feel so damn sleepy.
and after rehat ambik my book kat spbt.fuhh.bayar lima posen.
ceii!!parray ae.rampas buku sik padah padah bahh.eeee.
and I was saw daniel's pict at emily.wuu.
gamba taun tiga mesti lah lain kan kan kan.
nerd nerd jak upa.twew.
time bm ngantok alu jakk.iskk.yakumalas.
so guys,i'm so surprise cause I got numb. 1 in my class.
bangga lah sikit mom pun mesti happy.
and guys,damn bahh.encik sabri ask pengawas lamak & baru join 
larian amal at smk taman tunku.oh gosh!!-.-'
sukati jak bahh.he said it's WAJIB.arghhh..
that's all lah.puhhpye my readers ;)


Thursday, June 23, 2011

try to be strong

aku belaja untok bersabar
atas semua kemarahan kwu kat aku.
kwu percaya kat sapa??
aku or orang sik guna kat sch kwu yar.
ok fine.
aku try bersabar
mun orang sik cayak cakap aku.
aku taok aku tokk sapa bahh.
aku orang biasa.
aku sik perfect,sik cantekk
sik kedak kwu.
dah bapar ramey orang polah aku cam tokk.
aku sabar juak.
pahal kosik padah depan depan jak lah??
kenak mestii kat belakang aku juak
ko ngata sal aku.
ko ingat aku sikk taok kah??
aku bukan bodo.
aku blaja bahh.
sik juak ku bodo gilakk.
that's the first problem.
the second problem gikk.
mesti kah perange lamak ko datang balitt.
aku bukan egois lah.
aku dah madah aku try bersabar.
nangga tadikk,aku try ketawak tawak nan kwu nakk??
aku try senyum.
kwu endahkan aku,aku sabar jakk.
agikk ada kawan lain kat tepi tepi aku.
aku kan dah madah.,aku sik pandey anok anok
orang suka ati.
aku simpan semua tok cause aku agikk
sayang kwu sebagai kawan.
words SORRY nan MAAF.
dah bapar kalikk ko bagikk kat aku.
aku trimak semua ya.
sebab aku agikk ada kesabaran.
aku simpan dalam hati.
ok lah.
aku chow.
nangis ku lakk.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

soi punya hari

Hey,haritok birthday siti riza.sik payah taok pun sik penting bahh.soi alu jakk hari jadi nya bahh.dah panas hari.iskkk..-.-.da gkk urang klahi tadikk.nang bena bena soi lah sikda sik soi.ada nok nangis.ish ish ish.malas mok gago ae.YAKUMALAS school riam ya.hal kecik pun mok dibesakan.banga banga.hahah.time kk tadikk gikk lapar perut ku bah :p huahuahua.calie ae.chow lokk lah ;)


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

today today and today

ok orite.balik awal hari ni ;) but , panas+hot+lasu+angat+pana.wahh.macam macam language diguna pakai.aisehh. :p kat skula just now,sakit betol hati saya ou.bapar kalik pempuan sikk guna ya mok agak rah toilet.eeee.pecah cermin nantikk.hehh.kak parayy ku medakk.parayy skalik d neyy.HAHAH.:D so guys,saya tia ada pegi ycs hari ni gara gara sakit kaki berdiri lamak lamak time perhimpunan ya pung gara gara penyuk membebel setengah jam -.-.malas la saya mok typing lagikk . puhhpyee ;)


Monday, June 20, 2011

in my mind

I have a dream.and I hope I can fullfill my dream .
andddd my life so colourfull cause I can laugh,smile
and many more


school is boring

I'm in the small bedroom.lonely+bored -.-.ok,let's me tell bout today.urmmm,shasa absent,I ask philo and fio to pick me ;) .then,at bored+hot.kak paray asai.HAHAH.upss.i'm not iban :p I hate monday and why must MONDAY we back late :@ .eeeeee..dah lah panas.jalan surang surang time balit.and adalah I saw a couple berpelok pelok and cium cium .sik malu kah ??? aku limpas, slamberr ajakk sidakduak sia.eee,mok ajak ditampar palak ya kelak.HAHAH.k lar . chow ku darling. *-*

Sunday, June 19, 2011

no title.malas.
buduh bah itu orang.bikin gua panas....
she said dia tia maok kawan dengan
orang yang suka makan kawan .
maok muntah saya denkk :p
dia tia ada utak ka mok pikey???
dia sendirik yang macam tu dulukk.
pikey la duluk
sud sud.
belik maii d nyak!!
sikda urang mok mujikk kwu yar!!
but,she's not my enemy. ;)

Happy Father's Day

hey,it's father's day right.?so,happy father'day to my papa and to all daddy in this dad inda ada kat sinihh.sudah turun keja.tia dapat wish sama dia ): wish kat sinihh sajia lah.LOVE YOU PAPA.miss you so muchhhhhhh <3

Saturday, June 18, 2011

change the song

aku suka nenga lagu tokk . ;) sikmokk nenga , tutup telinga :p

Friday, June 17, 2011

always being myself

I could honestly care less of what anyone thinks of me. 
I'll do me and you do you and whether you like that or not ... 
I wanna live life to the fullest. 
I wanna dance in the rain and forget my problems.
Hang with my friends and have a blast. 
I wanna remain young! I wanna live.:D
I know I'm a little insane but I'm funny,
I 'm mean sometimes but that's 
just because you did something to get me mad,  
and I'm not afraid to be myself.
Being imperfect is what makes you beautiful. (:
I am okay with me being just the way I am...
a lil bit naughty and a lil bit nice all rolled into one fun package.. 
don't try to change me =D
Always being yourself is the greatest challenge of all.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Hari ni hari rabu kan ?? sangat tia suka sebab gerko sudah bermula -.-'.iskk . orite , pagi ni bertugas macam biasa . eee . tia suka bahh . cuba saya kenak singkir . HAHAH . waktu rehat pun pengawas dah membebel . tia suka dingar semua ituh bahh . eeee . suruh tego orang . pa guna ?? kalau orang tia maok denga . kan ?? and sampai lah time for gerko . makan makan makan , tuka baju gikk . time pbsm ambik gamba . lamak gikk tunggu Mr.Thian datang ambik gamba -.-' . panas tauk sikk ?? lekak ya , !!!!! kawad . erghhh !!! nasib that boy tia taok maok koman . bodo kan ?? hahah . berdiri jak lah sampai habis masa gerko . HAHAH . suka ae .tauk sikk ?? time saya balik tadikk , perutku berbunyikkk sayang oii .. HAHAH . pepaloi ae . dah lah piker maok mandikk jak . but fun lah today even meletihkan . buhhbyeee .


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


a good friend would help you when you fall 
a great friend will heal your wound but 
only you best friend will come over 
with a baseball bat saying who hurt you ?
The single hand that wipes your tears during your failures 
is better than the countless hands 
that come together to clap you on your success.
What do you call a person who always offers to help, 
never worries how long it takes, 
and stays until the job is done?  
Angels On Earth! I love my friends!

so surprise

On monday that day , mdm.Aslinda tell us about the 1 Malaysia Laptop . wahh . Sangat teruja walaupun ada laptop kat umah sebab aku pun dapat laptop tersebut . woooooo . sukanyerrrr . :p jangan jelessss . HAHAH . PAKA ??? . I will appreciate it . yeah . so , gtg . buhhbye


Sunday, June 12, 2011


Haters ?? 
Do I have any haters ?? 
I think I have it . 
Because they jealous what I've got and they can't get it . 
HAHAH .terasa ka ?? 
It's true ok . I'm not lying and never think to lie to any people . 
But , FYI . I never hate you . Its up to you want to hate me or what . 
God never hate people so I am too . 
I have my own life so gett off . 
Teruskan membenci saya . 
Kamu juga yang berdosa sayanggggg . ;) 
I come to this world to find a 
not to find an
Sorry ok ,maybe you hate me because
I've hurt you and I never realise it :|
I'm so so so so SORRY .
tidak maafkan orang itu adalah 
SYAITAN adikkk . 
buhhbyee . 
Try to friend with people okai ;)

tomorrow school !!

2 weeks holidays . bukak tutup mata . tetiba hari ni sunday o.O . u know what ??? my shoes belom dicuci ou . ;p . HAHAH . so what ?? I dont care babes . nasib we didnt have any homeworks . fuhh .. i'm happy cause I can meet with my friends . and tia sabar mau taok markah ujian saya . nebess . kalau manyak FAIL . matai tajin . mati kita . pareyy ae . ok lah . buhh byee . see u . ;)



Its middle of the night . 
mata tia dapat tido . 
ok , lets me tell about saturday story . 
saya lambat bangun hari ni o.O . 
nasib boss tia ada di rumah . HAHAH .
so , I wake up , bath , breakfirst and watch tv . and lastly lunch . 
and then , watch tv again . saya tia dapat jalan today . :( . so sad .
so , saya tido petang .
when I wake up ,
me and my sist watch ulangan konsert AF.
today I've watch kenangan AFNIL . 
ada tersentuh jugak la .
sikit lagikk aek mata mok jatoh :p
so ,that all . good nightmorning . 

Friday, June 10, 2011


I have my own life 
I think you dont need to be a busybody
person , right ??
at school , I have a friend that 
always sharing with me .
I love to talk with them .
they never hurt me or what .
they always make laugh , smile , happy . 
I never met a friend like them :)
thanks to God cause give them to me .
 ilovethemsomuch . 
Imissmy ex-classmates at 3b .
In 3b , kami manyak kenangan kat situ . 
ada yang indah , sedih , menyakitkan . 
but , saya tia penah memiliki classmates like them ..
kami semua sekepalak . 
tia penah mauk gadoh gadoh . 
in that class , kami manyak bergurau , 
main .
but , I just want to say sorry if I've make
any mistake .
from me adrina paul .

Thursday, June 9, 2011


you may not like what a blunt person has to say
but you should never trust the person
that always speaks at a whisper.
I THOUGHT  you were supposed to be one of my best friends,
but when I heard you whispering about me
I figured out you are just as fake as anybody else I know </3
You can say anything behind my back!
This just proves that
you're too scared to tell it in front of my face!
Before lying about someone else
make sure you aren't guilty
of what you are saying about them!
While you're stabbing my back,
you can kiss my a** too!!


myself .

dude , my name is adrina paul . you can call me ann , ad or my family will call  me adik . im still 15 and will be a 16 girl . im mirian . and riam student . i have many friend in my school . tia kira girl or boys meka semua kawan saya . even menyakitkan hati but we always sharing . im friendly girl . dont afraid to talk to me . saya makan nasi bukan makan urang . HAHAH . i love my dad , mom , sister , brother , niece , my friends and all people around me . if you love me , i'll love you too . hate me ?? IDC bitch . i have my own life and saya tia penah maok kacau your life so ?? mind your own business . sorry about my rude words . i have my mr.right . ilovehim . but , idontknow where's he now . cause saya tia tinguk dia lagi kat my school . so dude , think first before you wanna be my friend . HAHAH . ya la . takut nanti , engkau yang sakit hati and syuk sendiri nak marah marah saya . saya tia pandai maok marah urang . HAHAH . i just can laugh , smile . :) gtg . bye


Wednesday, June 8, 2011



 Always listen to your's on your left side..but it's always right!
Sometimes no matter how much you want someone, no matter how much you love them, no matter how desperate you are for them... sometimes you just can't have them.

Sometimes all you need in life is someone to wrap their arms around you, hold you tight and assure you that everything is going to be just fine!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

friendship hurt me

I'm tired of being a convenient friend.
You keep me close when you need something,
and push me away when ur done.
Maybe next time you need me, I wont be there.
I don't know what to do.
You used to always text and talk to me,
and what now you just suddenly
stop liking me and ignoring me.. whats up with that..?
I say I've moved on. But I haven't.
You were my BEST FRIEND. But,
now I don't know you.
I can't imagine life without you.
But I'm living it right now. :(
I'm not going to try anymore.
I'm going to stop trying wishing on stars
and let nature take its course.
Something is bound to happen that'll be for the better
I really don't like putting forth effort to try to talk to you.
I am done now.  If you want me,
you know where I am.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

today :)

hari ini saya ikut kakak saya pegi dia punya office(tempat keja) .dudok dudok , online , and then jalan jalan di boulevard :) manyak urangg . urghhhhh . petang ini punyalah panas kan kan kan ? ? titak tenang rasa . then , suddenly EK msg cakap jadi pegi konsert easter . oreikk . uyeahh . so , saya readyy la . tunggu punya tunggu sampai lah dia . sampai saja sana . PE panggil then datang gila EK and PE maok naik atas pegi dekat tempat urang kelabit punya dinner -.-' sud . then . lepak dengan KL . sementara tunngu maok masokk dalam kan . then , dah masok pegi lah dudok . thennnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!! I saw my MR.RIGHT yo ;) sungguh happy sekali . waa . then , tingukk urang buat persembahan . ada yang best ada yang buring skalikk . ermm . then , pulai lah kami . huhu . jumpa nan urang yang ekot easter camp . rindu rasanya . :p then , the end ;) buhhbyee


Thursday, May 12, 2011

hari ini

hari ini kehidupan  saya biasa saja . bertugas pun malas jakk rasa o_O . orang datang lambat kan biasa lah , kenak hukum lah jawap nyerrrr . florie jakk lah yang rajinn marah . saya buat derr jakk dengan meka . cuci tandass gikk yaa . HAHAH . markah math saya 16 saja . -.-' . bagi malu saja ou . markah sns lebih kurang 63 macam tu lah . lupak saya . = =' . thats all buhhbyee

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the day full of laugh

did you see the title ?? I just want to tell about the title . at class i was laugh because NJ ketawak macam 'babi' . HAHAHAH . and make me cant answer the exam . so FREAK . and what make me laugh moreeee isss ... saya kan jaga kat tangga 4 tingkat paling atas . pengawas yang bernama nurena menegur orang orang yang limpas dan yang naik tangga . and when she tegur frederick , she said masokkan baju . and frederick said 'takk maok masokk baju saya' o_O sud2 . and alrick pun ada kenak and alrick was said 'maok tinguk saya telanjang??' -.-' . krek2 . and kuleh pun sama . he said 'pakai zip saya punya baju ni . apa kamu maok atur ka ?? atur la' = =' . aduiyai . macam macam karenah student student riam . kalau saya jadi pengawas , tia payah tego pungggggg . menyusahkan jak kalau maok tego . sama jakk kalau kita tego atau tia tego kan kan kan ?? itu la dia . buhhbyee


Monday, May 9, 2011

hallo . hari ini kami dah mula bertugas -.-' . malu ae . tia layak langsung saya naik tangga VIP waktu pagi . tugas saya jaga gate C . malu bahh . blurr blurr gikk tuu . inda tauk pa pa . orang senyum senyum tingukk saya nan PE . = = ' WTF ?? saya tauk la saya tia layakk bahh . tia payah la tingukk itu macam ok . kalau kamu layakk sangat , mintak la kat meow meow . dah la pagi tadik , guna stokin pindekk :p nasib mdm cath tia tingukk . HAHAH . kami ujian moral tadi . so , saya buleh jawab semua cuma macam biasa la . antam saja . HAHAH . nasib maseh ada utak maok piker jawaban yang sangat 'tepat' . huhu . bila dah siap , mula la FC buat lawak bodo dia . ketawak tak henti henti :D but cover cover la . nantikk orang kata saya overacting + eksen + mintak puji -.-' baik sangat la meka tu . buwekkz . parayy ae . mintakk puji lagikk orang yang nakk tunjuk baik tu kan kan kan ?? ok tu saja . malas nak taip taip ni . gtg .


Sunday, May 8, 2011

do promises mean anything anymore ?

Thinks lying to hide guilt,
lying to make yourself look better,
lying to try and stay out of trouble,
just makes you look like a pathetic liar.
even if the truth hurts,
getting stabbed in the back,
 being lied too hurts even more
If u feel the need to lie to me don't bother.
Turn around and keep walking,
I would rather hurt a little as
u walk away than hurt a lot dealing with the lies.
You seem to love lies,
so here's a huge one:
I respect you a lot and
I believe everything that you tell me.
 I'm still your friend. Wish you have a happy life.

FRIEND FOREVER(i dont think so)

happy mother's day

    The bond between a mother
   & child will never fall apart
   Always bound together by the beating
  of one anothers heart.
        Mom's smiles can brighten any moment,
       Mom's hugs put joy in all our days,
Mom's love will stay with us  forever
      and touch our lives in precious ways...
  Mom, there are no words to say how much
               I admire you...appreciate you...
   and thank you...for everything you've done.
           they stands beside me in all I do,
     all my successes and my failures too...
            no matter how old I grow to be,
   they'll always be Mommy to me!
                I love my Mom! (:
      would like to wish all those
    wonderful moms out there
            a very Happy Mother's Day.
    Enjoy your special day!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

calon pengawas ??

bloggie , do you believe that me kenak calon jadi pengawas = =' . ohGod . terpaksa bertugas this monday . jaga gate C . oh yah , before i know boud im gonna kenak pilih . sa ada kenak tego itu meow meow bout my hair , stokin pindek sampaikan berkaki ayam di solah , bout my kuku yang panjang and cantekk , cermin kenak rampas . SEE , manyak problem nan meow meow . suddenly , she choose me to be the CALON . i never thought that . make me so nervous . huh . sa tia maok bahh . pa bulehh buat . nasib nasib . itu pung kalau sa kenak pilih . kalau tia pung , lagikk sa suka . HAHAH . must come early go to sch . dah la sa ni datang solah time orang hampir hampir nak tutup pagar .O_o . so nice right im at sch ?? . manyak problem , kenak jugakk . chin(penolong ketua pengawas) tia sangka sa kenak pilih . naa see , orang pung tia sangka uo . HAHAH . okai , that all . buhh byee . love you <3

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my family and friends

     To all my family and friends,
 I just wanted to tell you that I love you,
       because yesterday is gone,
    today's almost over,
         and tomorrow isn't promised...
The most important gifts you can give are your love,
               and attention.
                           Slow down,
           take time to smile &
         enjoy loved ones..
          life goes by way too fast.
    No matter what you do,
no matter how many mistakes you make,
    family will always be there for you in the end

exam again

*today science paper* *i was so nervous(takut lain soalan yang kuar)* *and its for paper 1 time* *its sokay senang sikit jak la* *maybe I can get more than 15 marks(itu pun dah bermadai babes)* *awal we resest just now,kol 8.30* *then,meow meow hukum people yang lambat masok kelas* *and,she late gave them a paper* *I can answer all the question* *just stuck at the question numb 4* *its about variasi* *hah?? ohGod,i forgot to study bout that* *and I was just like o_O* *lastly , antam saja* *pa buleh buat masa maok abiss* *at 11.30,we got to go to ruang legar* *and I dont even know muka macam saya jadi* *CALON PENGAWAS* *kok bisa sii??* *dont worry la adrina* *only calon bahh* *kalau kenak pung tia pa* *got certificate hoo* *dapat highest marks gikk* *hahah* *thats all* *buhhbyee bloggie* *love you*

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


i want you to hear this song until it finish .. please .. 
I just want you to realize that nobody perfect . DONT JUDGE
saya sudah habiskan ujian BI hari ini .
     senang saja soalannya :)
untuk kertas 1 , pada bahagian A ,
    saya telah menulis sebanyak
 hampir hampir nak 130 kan ??
   bahagian B pulak 435 . 
banyak kan . saya buat pasal
"the happiest day of my life"
    sampailah kertas 2 ,
ohGOD . semua stuck kat 
  bahagian literature .
       BLURR = ='
saya pun dah give up . 
 dan terus tutup paper . 
  tak sanggup nak fikir 
    nak tauk ??
esok saya akan dudok di
   pintu . susah sangat kalau
nama dah A mesti kat depan
    fuhh . tapi , nasib saya
           baik . 
sebab tak dudok kat TAIK 
       sebelah tingkap tu . 
at least ada tempat untuk dudok
 tak kira dudok kat mana
           so , that all


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One day, love and friendship met. Love asked, Why do you exist when I already exist? Friendship smiled and said,To put a smile where you leave tears


hey bloggie , u know right today got exam for form 4 . = =' today is BM1 and BM2 . i can do it better even got some harder question . i answer it with a happy mode . cause dudok debah kipas and belakang skalik . HAHAH .ilove the question(da gikk) . its so easy to me . for bm1 sectionA i can write until 250 words . yeay . and the sectionC i've got 425 words . wow ! first time in my exam can write until that . wuaa . paper 2 also easy . u know what , for the novel , i write from the answer at the back area at my class . HAHAH . so easy . and i cant feel better cause alrick a.k.a monkey throw me a small paper . ee . polah ku geram jakk . dah la PE ya talk to me ____ kim slam la,mntak num la . haiyoh . we got exam ok . no need to disturb . and because of that , aku kehilangan idea maok molah karangan ohGod = = . ok lah . that all for this afternoon . buhhbyee my lovely  bloggie


Monday, May 2, 2011

tomorrow school !!

bloggie , u know what ? tomorrow school . yeah , u know it . buttttttt , its exam . OMG . didnt prepare anything u know . later la . idknow pa exam tomorrow but PE said tomorrow bm1 and bm2 . so , maok study la later . ok ,buhbyyee


i miss you

Wants you 2 know,,,Every time I think of you I start to cry.. I miss u so much! I would give anything to have you here right now!


Ohh Ohh Ohh .. and I pray
I just cant sleep tonight.
Knowing that things aint right.
Its in the papers, its on the tv, its everywhere that I go.
Children are crying.
Soldiers are dying
Some people don’t have a home
But I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain, hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight.
And when I sit up, cause my dinner is still on my plate.
Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference.
And its starting today.
Cause I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain, hey
Haven`t tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
For the broken-hearted.
I pray for the life not started
I pray for all the ones not breathing.
I pray for all the souls in need.
I pray. Can you give em one today.
I just cant sleep tonight
Can someone tell how to make a change?
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and I pray
I pray ..
I close my eyes and pray ..

Listen to Songs:
You can think what you want, judge as you may, but I don't care what you say. You don't have to like me, but when I'm around you better respect me.

                                                feel so lonely right now

Friday, April 29, 2011

today :)

hallo . boring bah at sch just now . huhu . bukan apa , sik saba maok jalan actually . hahahah . u know right , today wanna go jalan w my buddies . but , suddenly shasha and emily sik jadi pegi . so sad . just me and philo only . so boring u know . but fun lah . hahah . philo w her boyfie just now . kacau daun jak me kan ? jeles u know people has a boyfie but me , lonely bah . ):  we've meet miss alice and mdm kong at pupular . then , tingok tingok novel  then , me and philo buy a science book . heheh . well , orang maok blaja bahh . :p rajin la tekk . after that , jalan punya jalan . kami pung singgah kat KFC . philo sponsor . thank yah dude . andddddddd , suddenly saya pun maok kencing fuhh . menyusahkan jakk . then , kami pun balikk . hahahah . the end .


Thursday, April 28, 2011

love (;

hey blog . good news . im fall in love again . but , rasa suka ituh sudah hilang . hilang entah ke mana . im just thinking about mr.J . im fall in love with him since last year . wuaa . he's a caring guys i ever meet . love him so much . but , shhhhhhh . kantoi later . hahah . butttt , before this he's a playboy . im fall in love with her cause dia berubah ou . huhu . like it ;) baik sungguh kau sayang . ilove when he talk to me . he always make me laugh . :p sukanyerrrr . maok gikk ae . bila ou ?? dia macam saya u know . suka pakai gelang even we just got one bracelet . hahah . try to get many bracelet more . hihihi . that all . buhbyee

aloha . today is a boring day . idknow why i can be a lazyyy girl today . tetiba jak bahh . dah lah subjek haritokk boring boring semua . 1st period is math . sungguh titak suka . saya cuma ada blaja sikit sikit . hahahah . then , bi haritokk ok lah . study ku . hahah . rajin bahh . pasya , rehat . time rehat just now , aku makan nasik lemak shasha . nyaman ae . kakya , geo . geo tokk lah paling boring even ku minat geo . geo boring cause cikgu nok ajar ya boring . tido jak aku time geo tekk . time sejarah , belaja ku . ya pun sikit jak . lepas ya , cakap jak keja aku . hahah . last period is science . time tokk la aku paling rajin . hahah . suka ku polah science ae even cikgu nya sikk best . wuaaa . and balit tekk panas alu dunia bahh . bukan manyak dosa ou . tapi matahari haritokk kuat aluu . mun korang pun , panas juak nak . okai . that all . chow . ;)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

black and yellow

today punya cerite

haritok awal ku bangun ae.hahah.semangat maok skolah la tadikk.hahah.kat skolah pegang pen pung aku sikda.dari awal pagi sampey balit ya.time pj just now,we just talking main main.just a boys saja main.habiss pj,alu panas bahh.maka sikkda main.pelik lu jak.pelik skalik.hahah.haa!!madam cathrine sikkda haritok tekk.elek elek jak we all tekk.hahah.time ps pun sikk blaja.time bm pun smadi jakk.and time math tek,syok alu ku tido sampey termimpi aku dah balit umah.hahah.palui bahh.aku sikk suka rabu cause ada gerko.iskk.haritokk pbsm.tetak tetak jak keja.hahah.sikda polah pa pa ku ritok.benda nok ku polah tetak,lepak,makan,tido.naa.ada study dalam list ?? sikkda nk?? bodo week exam.sikk blaja gikk ko adrina.that all.buhbyee.

about my friend

ini amoi aa.nama dia aliza marai alexander.she said she dont like her name yang 'marai' ituh.but it unik berh.kan kan kan.she one of my friend.idknow more bout her.but,i see dia nih ada ciri ciri my friend iaitu sundun.hahah.ngam sik??hohoho.i like her cause dia friendly punya olang.wuaa.kembang dia burit saya puji dia.hahah.that all i can tell bout her.dknow her so well.len kalik laa hoo.hahah.if i have time,saya share yang lain lagi okei.inih line sungguh lagg berh.buhhbyee

about friend

everybody got friend right??sik patut sikda nak..i've got 3 friend.they're so nice to me.saya suka sangatttt....hahahah.dont get jealous :p . that why people always said 'buat baik pada orang supaya orang buat baik pada kita jugak' it??bia la if people hate you.they hate us cause they jealous what we have got ;) mun kedak aku tok , ada juak orang bencik.aku siktauk pa salah aku tok.aku dah mintak maaf pung,agik juak cdak jeling2 kat aku.kali cdak jealous nangga muka kacak ku tok .kwang kwang *prasan*..opps.its bout friend not enemy.hahah.ok.kawang kawang aku tokk ada sud sud sikit.bukan sud nok mena mena ya la.i mean happy punya people berh.kedak aku tokk.marah pung sik sampey 1minute.haahhaa.sian sian.sik pandey marah kan kan kan..btw,i love to be with them <3 . they are so caring..mun maok tauk gik,later i share biut them ok (;

just ignore the girl name.i found it on internet.i like the pict.huhuhu.ignore that name ok (;

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

                                                           Never say "i love you"
                                                           if you dont really care          
                                                         never talk about feelings
                                                          if they arent really there
                                                            never hold my hand

                                                     if you're gonna break my heart
                                                       never say you're going to.....
                                                        if you dont plan to start
                                                       Never look into my eyes
                                                             if all you do is lie
                                                                never say hi
                                                         if you really mean goodbye.
                                                       if you really mean FOREVER
                                                             then say you will try
                                                        NEVER SAY FOREVER
                                                   'CAUSE forever makes me cry....
wuaa.lamak dah aku sik update blogg tok.miss you going to easter camp that day.seronok sesangat.yang aku tak suka tuu,someone talk about me!!!! saya tak penah cakap pasal dia.saya dah mintak maaf ok,tapi apa yang saya dapat.??!!but,its ok.let her syok sendirik piker pasal fall in love with someone kat easter camp.woohoo.he talk to me.lepak an saya.wuaaa.and lastly mintak nombor tepon saya :p.sukenyerr.haahah.that all.buhbyee

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

im sorry

hey brotha CHRISTIANGIRING.i know saya just want to say one hate you.there no reason to they hate you.but if they hate you,dont worry.i not hate you.ok lah,just forget it.i want to story story boud at school just now.saye suke jadual hari,we got perhimpunan.-,-.dah lah si penyuk manyak cakap make me sooooo sleepy.madam aslinda didnt come today idknow why.hey,u know what.mdm kho hui ping exsen berh just now.kan ada masok kelas.maok nangga we all,she smile in 40 minute.masok jak masa kedua.mula lah nya maok marah marah.hahahah.exsen alu berh.and time moral pulak,buat keja khursus.haiyoh.malas berh maok,plan nak buat kat rumah jak lah.huhuh.time perdagangan pulak,rajin pulak adrina boring actually that why saye rajin2 buat keja.hahah.u know what,we kenak reject dari explorace.malu ae.-_-.hurmm.tak pa arr.manyak gikk aktiviti lain berh.k lah.that all.buhbyee
halo!! hey brotha.why you say like that?? kat depan aku bukan main bait gik kwu.suddenly,kat belakang aku you call me BITCH.kwu sapa maok madah aku cam ya??!! we just know each other a few month ago dknow my just shut up.sukahati jantong aku la maok bencik sapa.kalau ndak taok pa pa tuh.diam saja lah.get loose.kwu mintak gilak berh aku bencik nya.chow!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

hey bloggie.hari ni punyer la semangat aku nak pegi sekolah.hahah.awal berh agak rah umah shasa.we two thought si noi absent.rupenye die pegi rumah lucy.hahah.pagi pagi ni tadi sekolah saye pasang lagu mine-,-.hurmm.pagi ni cikgu faizul tuh marah je keje die.tapi,kami tak pedulikan die.hahah.kesian die an??hari ni birthday cikgu hidayah,cikgu math kelas saye.patut ;ah die happy je hari la,salunye die marah2 kami tau.hahah.btw,i have some fun la today,tiada part sindir2 or what.semuanye seronok dan baik je.lepas tu an,saye hari ni takde blaja tau.ade memang la ade cume tingok jawapan orang je.hahah.tapi saye rajin,saye buat semue keje cikgu,saye salin semue nota cume saye ni tak pandai2.hahah.tak lah cemerlang sesangat an.kalau cikgu puji pun,kat dalam kelas jer.bukan kat seluruh sekolah pun,hahah.setakat kat dalam kelas,orang takkan pandang punyer.k arr.tu jee.len kali saye share lagii.buhbyee ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

friend is everything to me.ilovethemsomuch.without them im happy with life full because of them.butttt,i also got a freak or weird friend but ilikeit.and..friend that i didnt like is a BACKSTABBER.i love my friend when i cry they cry,i laugh they friend is philomena,norshazarina,emily,nabilah.that all.i know in this world we got to get 7 bestfriend.but 4 is more than enough for me.i love be with them

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.

6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth,
even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you
smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
seem bright.

7. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.

8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it
hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

9. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck
a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving word may
heal and bless.

10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best
of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers